

Chemical Composition


Humic Acids 12%

Fulvic Acids 3%

(K2O) 3,5%



Available Packing

20 L


The Crop Irrigation Usage Rate Foliar Usage Rate Note
Cereals 5-10 L/Hectare _______________

2-4 Applications started with the first irrigation

Potato 5-10 L/Hectare _______________

3 Applications:

3 L/Hectare during the germination stage

4 L/Hectare after 15 days

3 L/Hectare during the tuber formation stage

Vegetables 5-10 L/Hectare _______________

2-4 Applications

Trees 300-400 ml/Tree _______________

2-4 Applications on the age of the tree

Greenhouses 1-2 L/House ( 500 square meters) _______________

One Application every 2 weeks

Crop Recommendations

CEREALS - 5-10 L/Ha

2-4 applications starts with the first irrigation.Interval between applications 15 days
POTATO - 5-10 L/Ha
1st application: Germination Stage - 2nd applications: after 15 days of germination - 3rd applications Before Tubar Formation VEGETABLES - 5-10 L/Ha

2-4 applications during the vegetative cycle

Trees - 300-400 ml/Tree
2-4 applications Depending on the tree's age

GREENHOUSES - 1-2 L/House (500 m2) 2 applications at 15 days intervals

Fertilize the soil and increase the effectiveness of microorganisms

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